Saturday, June 28, 2008

Taking my Thoughts North

All week my thoughts have turned north to Alaska. Thinking and rethinking what I was doing at that time and on a particular day. This time last Saturday, we had just about landed in Denver. It was a flight on the descent which airplane shaking side to side turbulence took place. After the morning rush of getting to the Seattle airport and experiencing delays and lectures in the security line, we were happy to have some down time. We were only one gate away from the gate in which we deplaned.

In the world of the usual, I am so glad that the Lord set our meeting in Alaska. Instead of the usual meeting place of my big blue chair, He arranged the backdrop of our meeting to be filled with His creation. Talk about presentation! I really never gave presentation much thought until I went to work for Jason. Jason, along with my friend Dani, certainly sharpened my sense of presentation. Whether it be simple or elaborate, it is a chance for others to buy into what we are presenting or engaging their interest instead of setting things up for the same old same old. Jason thinks through our Ministries Staff meetings like that. We change rooms or room set ups just to keep it different. We know what is expected of us by most meeting set ups...and we respond in kind to the set up whether it be lecture style seating, around tables, long rows or sections with lost of aisles, we act the usual. But what an opportunity to surprise in the mundane. We have choices and tools and our actions on setting is under utilized.

God uses the everyday and the spectacular to set a meeting with us. I have written before that John 21 has so much meaning to my life in the past 6 or 7 years. There are times when I read that chapter weekly. Even on that Sunday morning at sea, we had church in the piano bar. Unfortunately, the man who spoke was a wee bit on the dry side and what was to be a 10 minute or so talk, turned into a 40 minute diatribe that began in Genesis and ended in Revelation. I looked around the bar, I mean room, as he spoke. People were interested in anything and everything other than what he was saying. I perked up when he made a brief reference to John 21. I have no clue what he said, but I knew it was "code" from the Lord to pay attention to Him and to the week ahead.

The disciples are in Galilee, the beginning for them with Jesus, and now 7 have returned again...others scattered, to the place where they thought was the ending. After 3 exciting years, it was theirs to return to the former occupation of fishing, so they thought. Confused in their thoughts and empty their nets in what was once a very comfortable place for them. Not one fish all night long. I wondered if they accused and argued among themselves as they returned to what they conceived as their place and calling in life, fishermen. They sit in the dark.

Till morning. They hear a voice call out to them, "have you any fish?" Then the voice instructs, throw the net to the other side. I can only think they muttered under their breath sarcastically, throw your net to the other side...thanks stranger, duh, I would never think of that...

John then says, "It is the Lord!" Peter jumps into the water. The other 6 frantically pulling in the net full of fish and get on task to bring the boat back into the shore. What commotion! What excitement! What looked to be failure and dismal pickings has changed into breakfast with the Savior. He has the fire going, some fish frying and bread for the taking. I wonder why no one calls this the last breakfast? Jesus says come....come have some breakfast. Was He teaching them that it is the most important meal of the day? No, there are so many reasons to write why He invited them to sit and eat, but what the Lord impressed on me last week was John's shout of "It's the Lord!" Breakfast setting was presentation for Peter to receive his reinstatement by the Lord. Charcol fire...charcol fire when Peter denied Him. Fish and bread...the miracle of the loaves and fishes, the fish of Peter's former occupation, and bread, remembrance of the last supper. Now that is some supernatural presentation! What a way to get Peter's attention for the meeting.

I need to be aware of "It is the Lord moments." In the daily routine, in the mundane of a job, at the grocery store, with the neighbors, at home, on the phone, eating dinner, breakfast at Buffalo heart needs to be on point to see and then fully experience, It is the Lord. This happening moment is a part of the BIG story God is writing and this part is a subplot to the BIG scene.

Somehow my massage appointment got taken off the calendar at the SPA. To tell you I was disappointed would be an understatement. Christine had not called me back with an explanation and I was a tad miffed. On top of the missing appointment, Charles has quit. My brows are growing rampant and unfettered. None of this news had me jumping for joy...but then this morning Christine calls apologizing, etc... I was over the disappointment and was able to truthfully tell her, it's alright. As our conversation lengthened, I saw... It is the Lord! The reschedule and conversation with it was an opportunity once again to share Christ with Christine and my actions or tone of voice, did not distract from the message of abundant life in Jesus.

I am keeping my eyes peeled and my heart ready for "It is the Lord"moments. I'm also keeping my appetite sharp cause a lot of times food or breakfast is involved in "It is the Lord" sightings. I hope you are too.


Sheri Greer said...

It's been a while since I have blogged. Whether posting or reading. I have enjoyed catching up.
I'm glad the blog entry spoke to you. It sure did me. That's why I posted it. Glad to know my blog entries can help others. Didn't even know it. It's where I am right now.
You crack me up! I say AMEN to so many of your blog entries. You are much more eloquent in your posts than I. Keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

Nancy, with your eyes peeled and heart ready you just might also want to stay barefoot-the earth is crammed...

Anonymous said...

did you just delete a post? john 21