Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A Slow Process

Getting everything put away is a slow process especially when the good old ADD kicks in.  I have projects going in most every room of the house.  It is fun looking through all the stuff I brought back home with me but load after load of laundry is not fun to look at.  This trip confirms that I am such a paper girl.  Brought home some wonderful papers and the like that I think will work really well with my artful journaling.  I was able to find a Flow Paper Book, in fact I found two of them in Asheville. They are sold out online.  So, the whole process of looking through books and papers slows me down.  I haven't even unpack the clean and the new clothes from the suitcase.  I need to get that taken care of because in the future Roy needs to use the suitcase and hanging bag.

We had lots and lots of rain last night.  I woke up in the middle of the night, not quite knowing where I was.  I thought we were in a hotel room and I was asking Roy if he knew where a flashlight was.  I knew he had the one I usually take with me on trips in his car.  So he is asking me, do you want me to go get the flashlight?  Then it dawns on me...oh yes, I'm dreaming and having a half awake conversation.  Those are fun....  :)  This morning the water feature was the highest I have ever seen it. Still safely within its banks.  When I determined this afternoon that the rain was over, I made it out to the bird feeder and filled it for my little bird friends.  I noticed the mockingbird comes and checks it out and he is the first one there and isn't afraid of me.  The doves are slowly but surely coming back and gosh darn it, some of the crows have found out the feeder is full again.  I need to dead head the roses and put a few other plants out in the back flowerbed.  With the cooler temps and then being gone for two weeks, some of the regular spring stuff has been put aside.  It has been a while since going to Brookwood or Enchanted Gardens.

Tomorrow I have an appointment with the oral surgeon and hopefully my implant is ready to be completed.  And of course next week is my check up with my regular dentist.  It comes around in circles doesn't it?

Last night I finally updated my phone.  Erin encouraged me to do it on the trip but I had one false start and then I got to thinking that maybe I should wait until I get home.  It took a while since the Internet is slower around here at night but it finally finished.  This update I don't believe I lost anything.  Erin got me started on snap chat.  At first I wasn't too sure about it but I really like it.  It's fun for a moment of time. 

Roy and I met for dinner.  My first trip back to Luby's since I came back.  Still haven't had Mexican food.  Since we got back I have been working on laundry and unpacking things I brought home.  It is a slow process but I already told you that in the first paragraph.  This just change in slow process. 

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