Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just A Couple of Thoughts

The side yard and the bird feeder is a happening place right now.  I just finished filling the feeder and cleaning the birdbath...a disgusting job.  When I came out the front door the little mockingbird dad was waiting for me.  He lets me get closer to him each day and while getting everything prepared and cleaned, he sang his little heart out.  Another experience for a concert setting in twenty-four hours.  I accidentally discovered the nest while rolling up the hose.  In the top part of our tree in the front yard, is the home to Mr. and Mrs. Mockingbird.  Being that close to the mockingbird brought back the nature memories on the Biltmore Estate.  Seeing the little lambs grazing with their moms and watching the geese and goslings...are some of my favorite parts of staying there along with seeing the farm animals up close.  Each time I return to the Asheville area I ask God to do something special by letting me see His creation that might otherwise be missed.  Watching the 200 or so baby lambs was special but it would be difficult to miss.  No, it was the mother goose sitting on her nest by the Swannanoa River near the exit of the estate.  She blended in so well and most passed her without even noticing her.  The week that Erin was with me, we certainly slowed down much to the chagrin of motorists behind us to see if there were any updates.  During the next week I checked in with mama goose visually because father goose wasn't in the mood to play.  From our vantage you could see all the down and feathers arranged for the hatching of the eggs.  On the Friday morning that I left to drive over to Memphis, I was able to stop for a few minutes since I didn't have anyone behind me.  I had so hoped the eggs would hatch while we were there, but I have since learned it takes 25-28 days for hatching.  The Wednesday afternoon at the lagoon was special as well.  The goslings were being taken out on the water by two adult geese.  Also accompanying the crew were some A Team type geese who looked like they were working a security detail.  These are called broods when two to five families combine the goslings and let them learn and hang out together.  Geese were ahead of their time, having daycare and play dates.  The goslings remain with their parents for one year and when they are born they already know how to dive, swim, peck and forage for food.  Like doves, geese mate for life and like doves the markings and feathers of males and females are very much alike.  Usually the bigger bird is the male. 

Another new view for me on this trip; the busloads of senior adults seeing the US on a schedule.  During our first week at The Biltmore, we planned our excursions on the estate by monitoring the number of buses at any given site.  At this time of year the bus can be filled with either senior adults or school children on a field trip.  Both are polar opposites on the scale yet in practicality there are many similarities.  Both can get bored rather easily but the difference is in how boredom is acted out.  Senior adults kind of sit together in a pack with the same vacant stare until the next thing on the schedule.  School kids expend more energy in boredom that can lead to discipline or trouble.  It is always fun until someone gets hurt.   There are exceptions in the senior adult groups because each small group had at least one lively participant who paced and kept the time for everyone.  And again I must ask why do women on these bus trips wear white pants?  The propensity for spillage quadruples when you wear white.  One group in particular got my notice, a group of older women in white pants and pastel flowered tops sat in a line with the same vacuous stare of boredom mixed with tired mixed with what do we do next?   I felt in my spirit this thought, don't go through life like those ladies on the side line, giving up adventure and not living in the present moment.  It seems from overheard conversations among themselves it was always on what's next and most probably they approached the next thing with the same resigned spirit.  I can so get this way especially when I hurt or I'm tired.   Many times I see this look in Dr office waiting rooms.  I can hurt and I can be experiencing little heart flutters but I don't need to go to old crank in seconds.  Guard your heart I say to myself for out of it flows the issues of life.  Guarding with a smile and choosing joy. 

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