Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend Happenings

You can almost feel the beginning of summer even though most in the area have to go to school tomorrow to make up for the ice day.  By the end of the week the land will be overrun with freedom at least for the next few months.

Sometimes I wonder if Roy remembers who I am when he talks to me about stuff.  Today on the way to church I saw a turtle on the side of the road.  We debated whether to go back and help it since imminent death was near.  I saw a car behind us stop to help the stranded turtle but unknowingly Roy said to me, should we go rescue it?  Was it a box turtle or a snapping turtle?  Uh, I guessed ninja.  It's a reptile that's all I know. Why would he think I could identify it?   After church we stopped at The Fresh Market and even though we said we were not buying anything that needed to be refrigerated, the veggie lasagna was too good to pass up.  Before meeting Dena for brunch we went home with the groceries and just about the same  spot where we saw the turtle, Roy made a comment about the new houses going in by Peggy.  Adjacent to the property is a rather large oil storage tank.  He said Nancy, you can just smell the HS2 in the air.  Uh, let's see i before e except after c....when two vowels go walking the first does the talking....chemical periodic elements...to me is just like asking box or snapping turtle.  I'd like to think it is a complete and total respect of my intellect but sadly he doesn't always talk to me this way.  I will say something like, why did you turn on the light?  He will reply, when one flips the electrical switch, the power more so known as electricity travels through the lines and circuits  and when one takes this action the room is filled with the resulting light.  No, don't need the electricity explanation, I am asking because there was a light already on in that room.

I had an inspired idea for my next writing project.  It came to me while reading the reviews of This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald from back in the day.

Memorial Day weekend came and went.  Actually the day came with rain, lots of rain and Friday and Saturday were sunny days with the creeping in of humidity.  Saturday morning Roy went to the produce stand.  Saturday was opening day and he came home with fresh, homegrown tomatoes, onions and oranges. When he was at Costco on Friday, he picked up some grilled ribs.  Emily called and asked us to dinner that night.  We contributed the ribs to their delicious dinner and they too had gone to the produce stand that morning.  A wonderful dinner and evening with friends.

Sunday we went to church but not LBS.  We stopped in at The Fresh Market to pick up a few things.  We brought them home and then headed over to brunch at Las Alamada's.    Dena soon met us and we had a great time.  She and I had planned on going to Enchanted Garden to look at plants but it closed at 4:00 and we were of the same accord that nap time took precedence over plants.  We made plans to go on Monday morning.  Roy and I had a relaxing Sunday and I spent most of the evening researching homes and condos in the Asheville area just for fun as well as for info.

Monday, Dena came over about 10:30 and the skies looked a bit threatening and as we got further down the road, with the rain starting we decided to just do a drive by for information purposes.  It's a good thing we had decided to drive by because Enchanted Gardens was closed for the holiday.  We drove around so Dena could see more of the area and ended up doing a drive by Hunt Retreat since she hadn't seen it since the restructuring of the building.  Since we were coming back through Fulshear, we made a quick stop into Gabby's where we both found fun stuff.   Once we got back here Roy grilled sliders and we had a delicious Memorial Day lunch and after dessert we all decided Dena should get back home before the skies opened.  And then the skies opened.  Since moving to Rancho De Five this was the heaviest rain we have experienced.  The water feature was the highest I have ever seen and it held.  The water moving on toward Spring Lake was high and came right under the foot bridge.  Many of the places where Dena and I had driven that morning were flooded by the afternoon.

I have read and completed my first book of summer reading and this kind of day lends itself to the start of another book.

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