Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday Happenings

Looks like the rain is over for now as the skies attempt to clear.  Weather here is a bit like Texas, if you don't like it, just wait a bit for the change.  This will give me the chance to get out and about a little later.

Yesterday, the grill was delivered and Bill changed out the smoke alarm downstairs.  That freed up the afternoon for a little bit of grocery shopping in Weaverville.  I was cruising right along when Roy called.  The APS lady wanted to get a statement from me and Roy wasn't too convinced that this is all she wanted.  Good grief!  Nothing takes the wind out of you like that kind of news.  So as I traveled back home, I had a little encounter with a ya-hoo.  I don't know if it was the Texas license plates or what, but watching what he did in front of me, my instincts kicked in.  Yes!  Watching all the ID TV and Datelines came immediately to mind.  With the skill of a race driver the car made an abrupt tire screeching turn and it looked like he was in hopes I would t-bone the back end of his car, but I made a defensive driver move and avoided the whole thing.  The truck in front of him pulled off to the side of the road immediately which made me believe this was a set up to bilk insurance money.  Thank you Lord for quick reflexes.  I called the lady after putting away the cold items.  It was pretty much just that kind of call, asking me questions like when is the last time you saw your father or spoke to him. They seem a little taken back when I can give the exact date.  Then she asked the reason for the non communication.  Same song, the hundredth verse.  The conversation took a bit of energy out of me and even though I was calm, there are somethings we cannot control but I didn't add to my rising blood pressure.  That sealed it, the rest of the evening was a wash but when you are reading a great book, it doesn't seem so bad that you didn't get anything done.  It did accomplish an early bedtime, so that was a good thing.

Mike the mower man is here now.  I think he is fertilizing the grass today too.  I haven't had a chance to buy apple trees, but I will get that done before he returns next week.

Since I had a delivery scheduled yesterday with no time frame, I was unable to attend my first meeting with the Asheville New Comers Club.  I am making sure that I don't have anything next month so I can attend.  They meet at First Baptist downtown and by the website, they offer all kinds of groups and activities to participate in.  They have a book club!

I love watching all the birds off the back deck.  Yes, I brought my nerdiness to NC and I have a bird book I consult if I don't know the kind of bird that is visiting.  We have several bird families that have made some of our trees their homes.  We have a couple of wren nests in the front and I believe there might be a cardinal nest in one of our big fir trees.

It looks like another trip to the dump is in my future.  Unwrapping the pictures the movers boxed for us is causing quite the cardboard build up in the garage.  Several pictures have been hung and I am waiting on the delivery of some furniture before determining where some of my favorite pieces will go.  When Peggy and I were here, I bought a picture at Traditions and it isn't quite big enough for over the fireplace.  That means the picture I had intended for the dining room will now be over the fireplace.  If they have another painting similar to the one I previously bought, those will look good over the sideboard.

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