Friday, July 27, 2007

Fridays, I Love Em!

I can hardly believe it, I was able to run all my errands and do my work at Mrs. Baker's without being rained on. I got my hair cut and then ran over to The Container Store. I bought some things that hopefully will help me be more organized. Since DSW was right next door, I had to do a drop in and see if there was anything I couldn't live without. Didn't see anything, so I went to Mrs. Baker's and then to Memorial City.

Michelle brought up all our meetings on core values at HFBC. Those were some tedious and boring meetings. Since I am not directly involved with one particular ministry I didn't have to come up with anything of my own, but we had to help one another define and redefine their ministry core values. Michelle and I sat there bored to tears with our pencils ready to cross off core values on our agendas. We usually sat by each other and kept one another awake. Today at the Container Store they had an agenda book called the crossitoff.list book. Michelle, I thought of you cause you taught me the core value and fun of crossing things off as they are discussed. Now if at anytime in our Ministries meeting if we had discussed fun as a core value, I would have been all over that. Too many times we do not give ourselves permission to have fun. We are so over scheduled and overbooked so that our lives model the overwhelmed look. I think Jesus had fun on this earth and took some play time although it might not be defined as such in the Bible. We need to celebrate the small victories. We need to celebrate the little steps we take on this pilgrimage. Our celebrations don't have to be big, but they need to be meaningful to us and to those we celebrate with. I don't want to be the older brother of Luke 15. We never learn if he joined in the celebration of his brother's return or not, but I kind of think he pouted and sulked a long time over the celebration. As time went on and the wound wasn't as fresh, the older brother could have brought up the "slight" with sarcasm or having to tell the story of his hurt over and over and over to people who already know the story and the ending is always the same, it never changes. I have an elder brother type of person in my life and although I don't have to be around them very often, you can bet they are going to rehearse a real or imagined hurt. They have no words of encouragement for most and they give out of what they don't want anymore, very rarely from joy overflowing from their heart. An elder brother type person can name every hurt and slight they've ever experienced and can jump into playing the victim without any notice. They tear others down, make fun of people, and make off the cuff remarks only to give value to their own lives. Why should anyone or anything be celebrated at the cost of me would be their mantra. At least seeing this person live their life in this way has visually given me a picture in knowing how I don't want to live life. In the presence of God there is joy and even in the tough times I want His joy and peace to lead me through.

In the middle of the night, I thought I saw Buddy on top of my desk. There was a reflective light that looked like cat eyes. I leaned over my desk and told Buddy to get off, come on, jump off, don't make me go get the water bottle to squirt you. How obstinate could this cat be? So, I went to get the water bottle and nearly tripped over Buddy... guess the reflective light was my iPod speakers and the big shadow on my desk was a box. I cannot believe how blind I am without my glasses.

This week I was asked the question if I was affected by people's expectations of me to always be in a good mood. How did I take it since people depend on me to make them laugh and lighten a situation. It has been a while since anyone has asked. Seems to me that God has given me this gift and I love to use it for His glory. This week I have prayed and reminded the Lord, when I am weak, then He is strong. It has been one of those weeks. I am walking with a friend through a really tough season and I've had several bring me into their confidence this week. Couple this with helping Roy as he in inundated with work and office politics. Mostly, I do fine with what I am called to do. It only becomes unbearable when family issues complicate the delicate balance. So, if you are one of those people that God has gifted with the gift of laughter and lightening loads, do so in God's strength, but when those times become a weight that besets you, give yourself permission to pull back and rest...

Peggy and I are getting ready to do our first Mildred and Gertrude outside the state of Texas. We are going to Birmingham next weekend to FBC Trussvile. Lisa is in NYC and Dena leaves for Orlando...and Roy gets to go to the OKC. Oklahoma City is not one of my favorites, it ranks right up there with Amarillo. That Roy, he gets all the fun trips.

Thanks for taking the time to read and thanks to those who comment. Even if you are a lurker, I love ya anyway.


Ulovebeth said...

Nancy, I got the gift, girl. You and Chuck Swindoll both preached the same word for me about giving out too much and not taking time to soak in.

I lurk your blog. I admit it. So, maybe I'm just a reader not a lurker. Or maybe I'm a Russian spy, but I'm not Russian...anyway.

Happy Friday!

Dana said...

I would say that you definitely have the gift of lightening a load with laughter. I have experienced that gift personally on more ocassions than I can count! Another person who has that gift (at least for me) is miss Sharon. And I give thanks to the Lord for both of you!

Amanda said...

We need to talk to John D. and get Mildred and Gertrude to visit our church ladies!

jené said...

Anyone at The Container Store would be happy to help you in your organizational quest. It's what we do best.

If you need a reference just ask the OEG, he and I go way back.

Lisa Pierre said...

inquiring lurkers, commenters and readers, storeowners, Texans, fellow countrymen and women: Saturday is Nancy's birthday!