Monday, July 2, 2007

A Little Housekeeping

I think I saw some of this sun this afternoon as I left work. It was welcomed, maybe fleeting, but oh so happy to see sun. And I believe I did see it smiling just like this one.
To those who need to be discipled in the way of The Nord, my response would be in the form of a song
"Strength will rise as we go into The Nord, we will go into The Nord, we will go into The Nord." Laurie we should meet for lunch or even dinner one day so that you can walk in the way of the Nord. No turning turning back. As for the "IF" of a massage, there is nothing to fear. The first time I got one I asked tons of questions and let them know I was a rookie. If you decided to have victory over the "IF" and go you go to the Nord...ask for Stacy...she is the best and assuages any fear you may have.
Oh, this is blog housekeeping not real housekeeping although I should be doing some of that.
On Saturday I was talking to Courtneys and she was telling me the funniest story about camp and how the girls would take out the middle slats on the beds. You had to have help to get out of the bed when you sat down on it. They would slowly sink into the middle. We were laughing so hard at her memory of that time. She has laughed at many of my stories. I wish writing them would do them justice, but many stories need the voice accents to fully get the story across. I have a friend who says this all the time, "sometimes it is good to laugh." Well duh, of course it is. I think she has a guilt complex over having a good time and letting loose a big ol belly laugh. Laughing through tears or laughing so hard as you try to that kind of laughter. May I remind you Proverbs says it is good medicine. I have written how Peggy and I laughed so hard on stage we wet our pants, sitting in the car in San Antonio and laughing with Lisa P and I am sure people probably thought we were drunk, but we weren't. Dena and I can just start talking and say a key word from some past laughfest and we are doubled over. So, in the spirit of good laughter and being set free for a holiday, please share some of your favorite laughter moments. Again, many of these really need to be maybe we should all meet at the Bistro in the that I am the Rev, I believe I shall start calling it the Fellowship Center or the Connection Center... Anyway, if you care to share...send some laughter my way. I love a good story.


Anonymous said...

You dear friend make me laugh. I will never be able to sing Everlasting God again...and YES, I am so up for lunch at ther Nord! I just need some childcare...

Anonymous said...

One time I had the blessing of swimming with dolphins. Part of this experience was the dolphin push, where the dolphin pushes you across the water like a torpedo. It was great until we stopped and then the force of the water stole my bottoms. I had to reach back in the water to find them...floating. The highlight of my life, let me tell ya! The best part was that no one looked at me or talked to me for about ten minutes. I don't know if that makes you laugh or cringe. I do both.