Sunday, July 8, 2007

New Mercies,New Mercies, New Mercies!!!!

I was in the middle of a post yesterday and I realized, it can't be posted, but sitting here working out my feelings in print was a catharsis. I worked through issues and conversation that periodically crops up in life. It was a phone call that put me over the line for a little bit of time yesterday. I should have seen it coming, but the week had been so relaxing and so fun, the call caught me off guard. There was a day when one of these phone calls would have knocked me out for a couple of weeks. Conversation with this person is like a field full of land mines and fortunately I let the call go to voice mail before making the return call. I stopped and prayed and asked the Lord for wisdom. I have been watching some DVD's from Wising Up that Beth did last semester. The review was so timely.

The reason for the call was specious and by the end of the conversation duplicity had run its full course. Like I said, conversation with this person is like walking through a field of land mines and you never know which emotional bomb will be set off, the victim mentality or pure meanness and anger. Both of them were set off because I kept the conversation in the now and present. This person wanted to bring up the past and talk of a future that might not even happen. As frustrating as the conversation was, on the inside I was kind of laughing. I had asked God for wisdom and He was fulfilling His end very nicely and I also was laughing cause I was using the tools that my therapist has given me for dealing with this person, and I was getting my monies worth. Believe me I have a lot of money invested in how to exist with and respond to this person.

When I was finally able to get off the phone I wanted to cry and be angry. Just at that moment my phone rang with Lisa P's ring. She was coming home from the hairdresser and had heard something stinkin funny on 92.1. I got to laugh and laugh so hard tears of relief came. So, I didn't have to shed tears of hurt. I told her about the conversation and how God was using her at that moment. As I was telling her this, I looked straight ahead into one of our bookcases. My eye caught the title of a book I read after my surgery two years ago this week, "New Mercies." This work of secular fiction had opened my eyes to the new mercies of God two years ago. This morning while getting my stuff together for church I couldn't find my notebook, but found one I had used a couple of years ago and read a quote from "New Mercies" that I had written in it.

" A friend long days ago told me about God's unending mercies. I didn't believe him at the time, but then I met Billy. I've learned that the Lord never abandons us. Like the Bible says, His mercies are new every morning." P.159 New Mercies, by Sandra Dallas

"The Lord give us love like a new mercy every and each morning. He got all kind of love to give us. Maybe it ain't what you want, but the Lord got His reasons. God don't want us to be left lonesome on this green earth. Any love's a gift of God. Honey baby, maybe the Lord give you this place as your new mercy, to stop the hurting." p.295 "New Mercies," by Sandra Dallas

Now I ain't going to lie to you and tell you that from that moment on, the rest of the day was all sunshine and's Houston for gosh sakes, we had a thunderstorm! No really, even this morning I felt the effect of the conversation. Roy and I even had a little spat before he left to go pray for the 9:10 service and nearing 30 years of marriage, we desire to walk in God's love with each other so we don't have these spats and I stepped out of that love for a time, thus the spat. Spat is a funny looking word... Sorry, I got off task there... Anyway, I found him after the 9:10 service and apologized in person, I had already left a message on his phone for him as well.

I once read that God calls us to be faithful in the little opportunities that present themselves every day. If we are faithful in today, that set us up for what God desires for tomorrow. If we put together days well lived we will have a decade of divine direction. Put several decades together and you have a calling fulfilled, all by living faithfully day by day. In that conversation I was faithful to honor this person cause it is commanded in the Bible and even a desire in my life. God was faithful to provide the way out of anger, seculsion, pity and dislike. And more so the way for me not go out and put this all on someone else. Now that is huge to me...I love Him so!!!

Thanks for reading through these thoughts. I love that God brings the same message back to me this week, His new mercies are new every morning. His compassions don't fail. I'm in a different place in life than two years ago, but His Word is Alive. It is active and sharper than any two edged sword. His Word is a light to my path and His Word is hidden in my heart.


Dana said...

Thanks Nancy, I needed to be reminded of His new mercies after the way my heart was today.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing mom! i love our vulnerable and genuine you are about your life!! love you!
