Today I went bowling with the "young people." It was great fun and I even tried my hand at bowling a few frames, but had to give it up because the knees don't bend like they used to. We had a blast and I thought I would share a few of the photos. Being the Titus 2 woman that I am, I encouraged the young women by chanting, "don't bowl like me" or "don't bowl like an old woman." It is amazing, their accuracy and scores went up with that resounding encouragement.
The Kiser's enjoying lunch and bowling. Becky is our adopted daughter. This is Chris her handsome husband. That is not a ciggie in her fingers.
This is the ringer and winner of today's bowlarama. This is Christen and she bowled like a pro.
This is Maria. I encouraged her bowling in Espanol. No como yo! Not like me. She did really well and was voted most improved bowler. She can speak Spanish the fastest of anyone I have ever met. I am beginning to get nervous cause every time I see her, she just begins laughing at me. I am getting some kind of complex. No not really. I am going to do a seperate post on her talent.
Amy is getting ready to throw up her hands, move side to side, give up the praise, cause God is alive. Can't help but praise Him...move, let me praise Him.
That looks so fun. I can only pray that I will one day be under your bowling mentorship one day.
That was so much fun! Thanks for capturing the fun with your camera!
And I enjoyed getting dominated by Christen! :)
wish i was there!!!
Some people have all the fun. That was cool to see some of y'all after the bowl-time.
I miss the bowling days! So fun! I think I need to come up one day when yall do this next!
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