Get ready HFBC, I am coming back to work in the morning!

For years he defined work as the thing that happens between vacations. I happen to like that definition. Now he is paid over a hundred thousand dollars per speaking engagement. He used to prepare his presentations to fit the modern day workplace, but during the Q&A the questions gravitated toward the dirty jobs he has done on the show. So now he talks about the lessons and observations he has learned from the people on the show. He is of the belief that people with dirty jobs are happier than the rest of us. I have to be honest, I just wanted to post about Mike Rowe because I think he is so cute, but after re-reading the article I wonder how he would do in ministry. There are some dirty jobs that have to be done. It would almost be impossible for him to do the job, because from all indications from the article and his attitude on the show, he doesn't know Jesus. So, he would be going through the motions in the job, but not ever realizing the hopelessness that many that are being helped experience. He would not be moved by the compassion of Christ nor have the mind of Christ and His wisdom to deal with certain situations. It would be great to see him spend a day with Scotty Sanders and do all the hands on ministry she does at the Mission Training Center. We have a friend who bought a new dinning room table and wanted to give her old one to someone who needed furniture. The MTC had names and addresses of people in need, but she would have to get the table to the people. To be honest with you, this whole concept needs to be rethought. It would not have been safe at all for her to go over there alone and she wasn't comfortable with them coming to her home. We helped her with this by taking it over to some apartments on the NW side of town that are pretty low on the apartment living chain. I was scared, I think we all were and we were trying to move in Christ's compassion, yet lean ever so hard into His protection and the swiftness of getting the heeeccckkkk out of there. The lady getting the furniture was commandeering men who were hanging around the apartments to bring the table and chairs upstairs to her home. Her home had nothing but clothes piled up in a corner. It broke our hearts, but we were focused on leaving before a situation developed. Neighbors were looking for other stuff from us as well. It was a dirty job, knowing there is so much need, knowing there are those who know how to work the system and those who truly have nothing.
Well this post didn't go the direction I thought it would. I can tell all my meds are out of my system and my thoughts are a little more organized, but not that much. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes while I was out with the flu. It will be a later Wednesday night, I will be taking the minutes for the COC. Now that is not a dirty job at all, it is downright fun. With such fun, yet dedicated committee members there is always business but a lot of laughter to go along with it.
Oh yea, I am going to live. Buddy is running some meow smack at me right now. She wants to be rubbed, but over where she is, not where I am sitting. It is good to be back among the land of the living.
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