Friday, June 22, 2007

Note to Self

I saw this on another person's blog site...yes, I was lurking...and thought this was interesting. I am a realist, but I knew that before taking the quiz. I don't see the glass half empty or full, I just wonder why in the world is the glass out in the first place. It is a short little quiz.

Note to Self- if I ever get to the point in life that I have to wear Depends...remember this little tidbit, white pants, old lady rear end and Depends are not a good look. Saw a vision of that in the Play Grocery Store last week and I wish I hadn't.

Note to Self- buy orange safety cones. I think if I kept a few of these in the trunk of my car, I could park anywhere in the city of Houston. I mean think of it when you see an orange cone blocking a parking place or a place on the street, it's official. No one questions the cone. So, I can park, haul out the cones and be on my way. This would come in handy for Christmas time parking fiascos. Make your own space...mark it with the cones...go shopping.

Note to Self- churches should never get rid of hymnals. No this is not a tradition verses contemporary debate, it merely a practical suggestion. No one carries a ton of Bibles with them every Sunday....well most don't, so if you do away with hymnals, how are you going to save seats? Isn't the ubiquitous hymnal on a seat or pew the universal "this is saved" sign? The only exception I have seen to this is Tuesday night Bible study. It has to be a personal item on a seat or people just put the hymnal in the rack and sit down.

Note to Self-I can't go out every night and wake up refreshed and ready for work. This has been one of those weeks and although everything I did this week was pretty much fun, it was tough when the alarm went off at 6:00 am. This morning I slept til 8:45 and loved it! I will probably take a nap this afternoon.

Note to Self-when comfort has become too much of a verb in my life, I need someone to speak a word to me. It seems like when you get into the late 40's comfort takes over. I can no longer wear three inch heels, but that is not a reason to begin to wear SAS shoes. Just because I can't find my waist anymore, comfort is not a reason to wear Donkenny elastic waistband pants. Of course if I wore those...I would be Sally O'Malley and I'd be 50! 50 years old. I am 52, but I do like to kick....stretch and kick!!!!! If someone sees me wear a polyester floral sleeveless shirt with a short sleeve polyester J C Penney Cabin Creek to me...get in my face! I took the quiz, I'm a realist, slap me back into reality.

Note to Self-if I spend too much time talking about back in the day...I need to be stopped. Retro and vintage thoughts are fine, but if they determine my mindset...that is not good. I am not talking about Jeremiah 6 and the ancient markers and going that way, I am talking about just stuff kind of things. Note to self...keep learning new things and spend time with younger people...they keep things fresh and fun. Actually, there are people my age who are just too old for me.

Note to self- I better get moving and go over to Mrs. Baker's.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the refreshing fun notes today!!!! Im going to get some orange cones too!!!

Anonymous said...

note to nancy:


just kidding. i love your stories!! (just some of them might need to wait till i get a ring on my left hang) :)

Dana said...

Note to Nancy-
I am a realist too. Hmmm. Is this test for real?
Note to Nancy-
Vintage thoughts are fine...however, Ventage thoughts are wonderful!


Lisa Pierre said...

This is sad. I want the hymnals to remain too. How else can I put my purse on-the-floor-not-ON-the-floor so it won't get dirty when I need the otherwise-saving bulletin and my Bible in my lap or on the armrest. Plus I like the idea of holding the hymnal in my hands on "hymn singalong" night - not that we have those anymore - like the Bible should be in my hands too. They go together.

Anonymous said...

i had a similar experience (to the depends and white pants) last week at work! except it was more like, 'note to self: light-colored thin khaki pants, too small thong underwear, and a large jiggly rear do not go well together.

also, i LOVE the sally o'malley tribute! i saw this one a couple of weeks ago where she auditioned for the Soprano's night club - it was hilarious! there was the usual kicking and stretching and kicking, and then some other inappropriate antics. :)