Saturday, June 16, 2007


I love Saturday mornings when nothing is scheduled and it is possible just to ease into the morning. Buddy is asleep in a chair. She doesn't ease into mornings, she charges into the day. Now that she has expended her energy, she will sleep into mid afternoon. I was reading the paper this morning about a little half starved kitten that was tied to railroad tracks and if it hadn't been for some observant security guards, the little kitten would have been pulverized by the train. They rescued it and named it Tracks. After reading that I went right over to Buddy and petted her for just a bit. I appreciated and loved her even more, although she had a planned attack on my head last night and the attack was stopped by calling out Roy's name. OK, this is going to be a rabbit trail, but I thought this; when I am almost asleep Buddy has the sudden interest in my desk or seeing if she can climb from the dresser onto the top of the mirror. I am in bed and take into account my bad knees and also the feather bed factor...hard to get out of quickly so it is faster to have Roy come, get Buddy and thwart her adventure. Buddy knows when I call Roy's name he is coming and she jumps to the middle of our bed and sits there like, what did I do? Or she runs under the bed or down the hall. Since I am a visual learner, I began to understand this is a great picture of what happens when I call on Jesus and what the enemy does when the Name above every name comes onto the scene. * Disclaimer, I no way think my cat is Satan or that my husband is God. It is just a word picture for me to understand what is happening in the unseen world.
Back to my original thought... I cannot believe that people can be so cruel to animals, it breaks my heart and I know that people are cruel to people and that breaks my heart. I'll be right back, I need to go love on Buddy again for just a moment.

OK, I'm back. Yesterday, I went to Mrs. Baker's and Frankie showed me where two huge trees in her side yard had been toppled by the wind of Thursday night's storm. Incredible! Those trees missed the side of her house by just a few feet. This makes 3 huge trees that have fallen this year in her yard alone due to storms. If I get a chance today I am going to go over and take a picture of the scene if clean up has not already begun.

I went to Crate and Barrel yesterday. Love that store! They are having a big sale but couldn't find anything that I really wanted. I am looking for a small computer desk for our laptop. I envision this desk being behind the couch in the living room. Nothing there would work, but I thought of the Amish Furniture store on Washington. I went over there and saw two desks that would work. So, I brought home the pictures and description of the desks for Roy to look at. I think we will go with the one that has more of a shaker influence than the straight mission style. Now, I need to take a picture of one of our bookcases to match the stain. Then get all the info back to the store so that an Amish guy can begin the work. It will take 2-4 months before we get it...Gallery Furniture it's not, but all hand made and solid wood. Dena and I have some very funny stories about our visit to Amish country in Tennessee but that will have to wait for another day.

Last night Roy and I went to Buffalo Grille for dinner. Remember from last Friday I am not a fan of pineapple month and Roy's preference for dinner would almost always be Sweet Tomatoes. Anyway, we had ordered and sat down when Roy recognized the attorney he had clerked for Peter and his wife Ruth. Peter no longer practices law, but teaches in a private school. For years he hadn't found a passion or joy in practicing law but he loved instructing young attorneys, so he felt this connection for instructing might mean he needed to teach. He loves the teaching profession. We had a few moments to catch up with each other before returning to our own dinners. Peter had been so instrumental in helping Roy while he was in law school and continued on employing Roy right out of law school. It was there Roy knew he did not want to practice law, but use law in his already chosen profession. I have been reading a book by Jennifer Kennedy Dean, Riches Stored in Secret Places. I have not been able to get past the chapter entitled A Heart Like His based on the verse Ezek. 36: 22-32. She writes that all that is required of us is to be yielded to God and relinquish control of own lives. We become alert to God's nudges and the seemingly coincidences of every day and see that God is in every detail of our lives.
"Even the most ordinary idea, thought or activity is often Him moving us to do His will. When we act on what seems to be a random choice, we will often find ourselves right in the middle of "good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do" Ephesians 2:10." I remember Roy going to the board where jobs were posted at U of H. Roy was older and really no one wanted to take a chance on him. When Roy showed up, Peter's job was getting ready to be posted and the woman doing that handed it to Roy and said maybe you should follow up on this. It just came in and as they say...the rest is history. In turn Roy and I were able to give Peter support when Ruth went through cancer treatments. Our lives had gone in different directions, but for that one moment of time, we were happy to see one another and catch up. Of course we all said, we need to get together etc... I really don't see that happening, I don't think any of us see it happening, but it gave Roy and I chance to again thank God for His goodness and faithfulness in a very tough time of our lives and we remembered His goodness toward us. We remember how He used Peter in Roy's life.

One of the books I ordered last weekend is Buck Naked Faith, A Brutally Honest Look at Stunded Christianity by Eric Sandress, PH.D. So, right off the bat he uses Jeremiah 17... do you want to be like the bush or the tree planted by water? He calls beautiful outwardly, but stunted spiritually, bonsaihood. You know the art of taking a seed and letting it grow to a certain point, then keeping the tree at ornamental growth. A thought provoking and action taking book if I ever read one.

When Roy and I got home from dinner and Target last night we watched TCM. It was Nancy Drew movies all night long. They were enjoyable, but I could only take so much. Roy was much more interested, but then he had not grown up reading Nancy Drew books and for that I am thankful.

Just a thought...but we are right in the middle of a "Why" series at why believe, why is a man contemplating. This week is why suffering and it is a woman contemplating the question. Hmm....just an observation.

I am glad my friend OEG loved my observations of he and Boz the Bear. He and I do a lot of good natured joking about him being Episcopalian now or maybe he will soon be Anglican if things keeps going the way they are going over there in liturgical land.

Last night Buddy stopped in at our bed during her nocturnal wanderings. She was purring so I knew a cat attack was not in the works. She settled in right under my chin. She took her paw and put it on my jaw. She moved the pads of her paw across my jawline several claws. Uh, that was totally sweet not unlike earlier in the evening when she was more like, "when cats attack."

Well, I have randomed and wandered too I will close for now.

Have a Great Weekend!


Anonymous said...

i'll honour your disclaimer But i just bet Buddy thinks Roy is god even if you don't! Lots of thoughts i have to go read the ezekiel ref! keep writing and reading! p.s. good furniture choice-it's hard to pick both styles are so refreshing to me.

Anonymous said...

okay maybe i read the wrong ezek# but if it is the one you listed it reminds me of your observation on Lisa's song last appears that your are being seriously nudged in a specific direction and i have an inkling that you "ain't gonna be no Bonsai tree!" (my own quote...i just hate slang!)

Anonymous said...

i'm so sad i wasn't with my mom to see you at target last night!!!

Anonymous said...

Girl, how do you get so much crammed into a day? Ha! I love reading about your weekends...they seem so much more productive than mine! :)