Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Little This and That

This just in, I received my first magazine of Garden and Gun yesterday. I subscribed several months ago and I am thrilled with this oddly titled magazine. It is the magazine of the New South. So, along with reviews, beautiful homes and gardens, you get a little gun knowledge thrown in. I mean really, only in the South would there be a magazine titled as such. Before you make fun of it know it is a great magazine with the articles being very interesting and the photography first rate. I have an extra copy in case anyone is interested.
This has been such a wonderful and fun day. Lisa P invited me to Sugarland to hear her and Julio sing for Merry Ministries Bible study. Heck, if I can drive out there for hair cuts and shopping, how much more to enjoy a friend, worship God and get some Word...oh and some delicious lunch. It was worth the trip and much more. Actually, in my thinking, it ain't that far at all, but you know I tend to the dramatic. After lunch Lisa and I went over to Emanuel Salon so that she could meet Sherry. We had such a blast laughing and dare I even say fellowshipping with one another in the hair salon. Just as Beth said last night, you can love the Lord, love lip gloss and we added cute shoes and still be serious about walking with Him.
The workout capris I bought a little over a month ago are too big. I still can wear them for walking but not for the machines and such at the club. I could hardly work out for worrying about coverage factor. I am going back tomorrow and spend a little more time on the bike and add a few more machines to the workout.
My problem person...well, on the way home today I called to let them know I needed to get back on this side of town. Y'all I was so tired but good tired. I had such a great time in Sugarland but my body still doesn't know the difference between fun and stuff. So, I drove home with the A/C blasting in my face to keep me awake and when I got home I settled into a much wanted and loved nap. I appreciate the emails and comments and there seems to be a good distribution to everyone to have problem people. I caught mine unaware that our little meeting wasn't to be today. They threw out well, I guess we will have to eat those cookies we made you and I replied, oh please have them since I limit myself to those kind of treats now. I was telling a friend that encounters such as the other day on phone used to put me out of commission for days, but I will tell you God is faithful. It is hard at times to love and deal with problem people but God will show you how to love them and yet still maintain some sanity without being worn out by every wind of drama. By the way, this is a family member. I'll let you know more as the story continues.
I sat with Peggy in the balcony last night at Bible study. I don't pay attention as well up there, but I got a lot out of worship and the Word. This is an incredible study.
Roy had just called letting me know he wouldn't be home until 8:00 pm. I hung up and thought what to do about dinner when the phone rang, it was Dena. She happened to be in this part of town earlier than usual and was looking for a dining am I Lord, send me, send me. We ate at Buffalo Grille. I had to have the pancake, but I didn't eat but half of it. Of course what is a pancake with out Toasted Cinnamon coffee???? Delicious! We had a wonderful dinner and great conversation. When I called Roy to tell him I was going out to dinner he said, well your tune has changed because he asked if I was going to church tonight and I said no way, too tired. I had to explain that dinner with a friend revives one, but dinner at church would be work because small talk is involved and that exhausts me.
This wraps up this and that. I need to continue my reading of Garden and Gun. This kind of reminded me of one of my favorite lines from Greater Tuna. Bertha Buemiller is praying, "Lord, today I bought a gun. Give me the strength not to buy bullets."
Until next time...goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

awww...sugarland with lisa reminds me again (NORDY'S LUNCHEON LAST WEEK) of the time i almost met you and lisa for coffee at mem city starbucks almost 2 years ago loss for sure....glad you had such a fun day....your magazine looks great!!!!!!

jené said...

Way back in the eighties I found a book called "irregular people". For me it gave me an insight in how to deal with my Grandmother. I had always felt I would never be more than a disappointment to her. I finally realized nothing would change her but I could change how I let it affect me. Fortunately my mom's parents were loving and supportive so I was able to have at least one set of grandparents to relate to. Remember when you are dealing with this person that you only need to do what pleases the Lord, no one else needs pleasing.

Anonymous said...

Garden and Gun--It has to be published in the south. I think I need a subscription myself! I just shot a gun for the first time a few weeks ago. Had a bruise to prove it. Not any broken clay pidgeons, but a shoulder bruise. I was proud.

Lauren said...

I am cracking up at Garden and Gun. We have a friend here in Boston who CANNOT WAIT to graduate so he can get back to rural Oregon/Washington where he's from so that he can tote his gun and drive a truck.