Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday Surprises

It has just turned to Saturday afternoon. It has been a full morning of cleaning, like mopping the kitchen floor and then attempting to keep Buddy getting in there before the floor dries. I had to scare her with a mop, and truth be told a mop can scare me too, and then putting the vacuum cleaner in a strategic position. Once the floor dried and she was satisfied she had food and water the kitchen held no allure for her. Now she is interested in where I hung some pictures and once she discovers her new window pillow, she will be all into that.

Also the opportunity lends itself to getting rid of stuff that Roy says he will take care of and never does. His Bedouin clutter will no longer roam and has found a final resting place. In about 3 months he will notice it is gone and thank me. A trip to the dumpster is in the future, but not until I get cleaned up. There is no way I would go outside right now looking the way I do, complete with no make-up, scary hair, and mismatching clothes. Speaking of not looking great, casserole lady hasn't been keeping herself up in her classic manner. She doesn't look sick just very disheveled.

I love surprises, well you know good surprises. Not a fan of you wrote a hot check surprise, didn't pay a bill surprise or all your investments have gone south surprises. So, my first surprise was a card, family picture and letter from my friend Mary Madeline St John Whittinghill. We have been friends since high school and what a wonderful effect she has had on my life. During the holidays I wrote several people thanking them for loving and helping me in those early years of walking with Jesus and she was tops on the list. She and Al have a beautiful family with beautiful grandchildren. I loved seeing how her children have grown into adults. So that was total fun and I am going to email her sometime today.

The second surprise was getting a Facebook invitation from my friend Lori in Dothan, Alabama. She and I met online as she emailed First asking about Women's Ministry when I first worked at the church. I gave her Carolyn's email address, but Lori and I kept corresponding and found out we both came off the tennis courts in almost the same way in order to better serve the Body of Christ. We had lived very parallel lives and with both of our husbands being CPA's we thought what are the probabilities? Only God could have brought such a divine appointment. The past several years we kind of lost touch, but Facebook to the rescue!

Yesterday, a wonderful blessing was my mom getting to come home from the hospital. They moved her to a room in the middle of the night, giving us quite a scare when she couldn't be found in the little room in the ER. They have her blood stabilized and she has several appointments next week with Drs. I went over to see them last night at their home and she is in good spirits, happy to be home and knowing the bleeding was not from cancer.

I was able to get a much needed pedicure yesterday at The Nord. Thanks to the King girls and Nordstrom Notes. The last few times I have missed Julia. She usually does mine and we both got caught up. She has been having some health problems and her home was damaged from Ike. It is just now being repaired. After my pedicure, I went to the Bistro for lunch/supper. It was good and I was not disappointed in the least.

Later today I'm going to Lupe's. Ah, yes, got to have a chips and salsa fix now and then.

While working out this week I have listened to some podcasts that have been so encouraging and thought provoking. The podcast has driven me to the Word to find out for myself. I have been so blessed. I mean really, me reading Josephus has to say something. I love how God is constant but He is never routine. I've been listening about shaking up the routine helps us to grow closer to Him. Even in workouts you have to mix it up or your body gets used to the same old, same old and doesn't respond like it once did to the workout. More thoughts on this later, but that is where my meditation has been, especially in Exodus 3 and Moses' reaction to a burning bush.


Anonymous said...

good news your Mom is home - and hooray for chips and salsa!

FitzandMolly said...

Glad to hear the good news on your mom!

jené said...

I love the Pray as You go podcast.10-15 minutes, music, scripture, usually lectio divina so you get it more than once. then small commentary. I make it part of my lunch hour, load it on to my zune a week at a time.

Kristen said...

Isn't Facebook just nutty? I'm not on it a lot, but it's reconnected me with people I haven't heard from in over 10 years!

We're anxiously awaiting baby girl Supan...any day now. My blog address changed, if you want to change it on your's not Supan Clan anymore though that is still the title...

Pics hopefully coming soon, including her in the little Aggie outfit Dena gave her. :)