Monday, February 2, 2009

25 Things

Since almost everyone I know is doing this, I am not posting the rules. Since my blog goes into Notes on Facebook, I am killing two birds with one stone.

1. I collect and read Southern fiction. It is difficult for me to even read any other type of fiction. Recently I have been culling through the books I've collected and only keeping the ones I really like and will read more than once. While going through my collection I am realizing I have a lot of books to read in my collection. Many times I buy and then shelve.

2. Most do not realize how sentimental I am. I keep way too many notes and letters.

3. I made the ASA All American team (softball) as a catcher.

4. I can answer the question of the sound of one hand clapping. I can actually do this with my right hand.

5. Until yesterday I have not been to the movies in about 10 years or maybe longer. I think the last time I went to the movies a matinee cost $5.00.

6. Since I can remember, I have always had the ability to see through reasons, excuses, stories, media campaigns, spin etc... I received a lot of punishment as a child for nailing adults in lies. I have learned as an adult not to expose the fallacies and duplicities so readily, but to wait till the right time or not reveal at all. I was sick to my stomach the first time I had to tow the company line in my job when I knew what was being done was wrong and full of lies. Since those incidents happened a couple of years ago, I never put myself in a position to know anything, thus I was not asked to tow the line cause I never knew the line existed.

7. I am not good at family things. Maybe it's due to the fact we weren't around extended family as a child. Or it could be what I observed growing up. Many times it seems family feels they have the right to tell you what to do or what you are doing wrong without knowing or understanding the circumstances of your life.

8. Try to put me in a box to figure me out and I'll change boxes quickly.

9. I am not mathematical at all. If something fun begins to involve math, it has stopped being fun.

10. I can rewrite words to songs in a heartbeat.

11. I have to touch the outside of the plane when I am boarding.

12. I was an oil and gas auditor for several years and yes it did include math, but I avoided the math part. In fact I usually found the biggest monetary exceptions and it was always a fluke. Then I would use that finding as an excuse not to work hard by saying, "hey I found my millions."

13. Love to sing, not a good singer. It doesn't stop me though. My experience comes from years of practice singing into a hairbrush or curling iron in front of a mirror.

14. Fall, all two weeks of it here in Houston, is my favorite time of year. Since there is very little fall around here, I create it in our home. No there are not leaves all over the floor.

15. I worked at Astro World when I was in high school and college. By far it has been my all time favorite job.

16. I just recently retired from my job at Houston's First. And no I wasn't one of the ones forced into early retirement. It was all my idea.

17. I taught aerobics briefly in the 80's.

18. I have taken all types of gourmet cooking classes and I hate to cook.

19. Most would think I love to have all kind of noise and activity going on around me, not really. I prefer quiet and don't need TV or music as background noise. Well except at night. The radio is on softly all night long.

20. Roy and I have never gone to bed or sleep mad at each other. Early on in our marriage there were times where we went without sleep for days.

21. I met John Denver in an elevator

22. I love to send cards. I love writing thank you notes because it is an opportunity to tell someone how grateful you are for them. I love receiving cards and notes in the mail.

23. As much as I love The Nord, I love Target just about as much. I can go to The Nord just for the peace and quiet and not buy a thing. There are very few times I have left Target empty handed.

24. I love having friends of all ages. Friendships bring me much joy.

25. I hate brussel sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower

I think everyone in the world has been tagged and everyone knows the rules. It has been fun reading the 25 or in the case of Steven Murray the 165. Just kidding Steven and Happy Anniversary.


Unknown said...

I have never met a woman that did not love Target!

Anonymous said... are also pretty good with store had me giggling over "best buy somewhere else"!@#@!

Amanda said...

You really hadn't been to the movies in 10 years?!?!

Nancy Mon said...

I haven't been to the movies in about 10 years. I used to go all the time. I need to write about what started changing my mind. Everyone thinks it is for spiritual, well at least not at first.

Angela Baylis said...

You played softball? Do you still play? You are such an athlete! I also played softball and will take this opportunity to brag that I was on a State Championship team in 1979. (Fenton High School in Michigan). I played 3rd base. I am still mad that I didn't go out for the team my senior team because I had to work. They went on to win the championship that year as well. Still mad! :)
I loved reading your 25 things!
Angie xoxo

Anonymous said...

love to change words to a song.....or change the meaning of words to a song....."Sing with me, How great!!!!!!!!!" Hugs- Em