Tuesday, February 19, 2013


This was a monumental President's Day.  Some of the wonders of the day are not mine to share. but others are.  Roy probably did his last tax return for the last of his clients from his private practice days yesterday.  My monumental President's Day was the rescheduling of my surgery.  I was going to check in with the Doctor office yesterday afternoon but they beat me to the call.  So my proceed has turned into pro-pause.  Truthfully, I was disappointed at hearing this.  I had mentally and emotionally prepared for Thursday.  But as the day progressed I saw some good in the rescheduling but it has presented some challenges that we are currently working through. 

Rancho de Five got some much needed rain yesterday.  It had rained off and on all morning but while we were eating lunch at Victor's in Fulshear the heavens opened.  We caught a little break in the rain when we left.  With the rain coming down in sheets I didn't think that Roy would want to accompany me to Hobby Lobby, so I didn't even broach the subject.  To be honest I didn't really want to go to Hobby Lobby, but I need some decorative Easter eggs to fill a basket.  I bet many of you did not see that sentence coming. 

Preparing for proceed and now pro-pause seems to involve 'nesting.'  I cannot tell you how many projects Roy and I accomplished over the weekend.  I think Roy might be a tad concerned that I have more projects in mind for this weekend.  Give me time....

While doing some research for a friend I ran across a newsletter for Rancho de Five that I have never seen before, much less received before.  Lots of interesting facts and meeting times for HOA and for the Board.  Also a lot of rules and regulations I had never known.  Ignorance of HOA rules is no excuse!  There is a big concern for the increasing duck population and the stern warning of don't feed the ducks emphasized.  Funny, they really don't like kayaks in the water features and lakes around here because of alligators.  Wouldn't it make sense that the duck population would somewhat be regulated by alligators searching for dinner and a snack?  Me thinks the alligator is kind of like crocodile tears or crying wolf.  Oh I'm not saying there aren't alligators but they make you think there is a whole pack, tribe, pride, pod or whatever grouping alligators would be called by, out there.  I am not going to test the waters though.  See what happens when there is Pro-pause?  My ADD kicks in big time because there is a lack of focus. 

See ya later, alligator!

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